Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Name Days

Yesterday I found out that in Sweden and Germany (and probably in some other countries that I am unaware of) they have "name days." The most popular/traditional names in the country are assigned to a specific day of the year. I don't really think that your "name day" is a huge deal, my Swedish friend just said that her parents give her some candy on her day, but I think it is a neat idea to have a day dedicated to your name. I guess this type of thing wouldn't really work in Canada considering how multicultural it is, and the fact that I wouldn't even know where to begin to make a list of "traditional" Canadian names. I did however find out that in Sweden "Viktoria" day is March 12th.

You can read the Wikipedia entry about it here:


1 comment:

  1. My mom says that in Poland, someone's name day is a bigger event than their birthday, or at least it used to be. My mom's is Christmas eve, which makes sense b/c here name is Ewa, so pretty much Eve. There's so many Anna's though that they have a few throughout the year, and I think you go with whichever one is closest to your birthday.
