Yesterday night there was a free Open Bus Tour arranged for all of the ERASMUS students. We were all excited to get to see the city of Paris from above ground after weeks of taking the metro everywhere. Originally they told us to meet back at the school at 6, then they made an announcement saying seven (they do this for almost every event here...) so we decided to make our way to school for 6:30 to be safe. We got on the bus and then waited... and waited, and finally found out that there was a problem with the engine. So we all got off the bus and waited for another bus which eventually came around 8. Everything seemed to be going well from there, there was singing and cheering, we saw the Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe from many different angles and then it started to rain... At first it was okay, just a light drizzle and we all just pulled up our hoods or scarves, some people even had umbrellas, but after about 5 minutes of that the rain started pouring down and we all rushed to the stairs to try and squeeze into the lower level of the bus. As you can imagine it was not the most comfortable of situations so the bus tour came to an abrupt end. The driver was nice enough to drop us of near a metro station rather than take us back to the school which is pretty far out of the way for most students. A group of us then found a cute little pub to sit in and enjoy a drink. So in the end though things broke down, started late, and left us cold and wet it ended up being a pretty good outting. I've noticed that a lot of things in Paris seem to fall into place like that, you just have to learn how to be patient.
Can you post your friends photos, too?